Powerful acid inhibitor to reduce corrosion on steel which minimize direct attack on the metal during oil field acidization, scale removing, metal cleaning for galvanizing, picking, tinning, electroplating, boiler, cooling tower pipeline, transformer, heat exchanger, power plants and other cleaning operations.
Material is packed in 55 gal per can with proper hazard identification details labelled.
Safety and Handling
Material must be handled as an Industrial chemical, wearing protective equipment and following the precautions as mentioned in the MSDS
• Removal of lime deposits or water scale from powder plant boilers, piping systems and evaporating equipment.
• Removal of scale and deposits from equipment in refineries and other industries
• Prevent corrosion/pitting problems of the surface at high temperature and pressure.
• Can be used on brass alloy, nickel, copper, SS, MS steel etc.
• Increases metal life thereby increase profitability of the company.
• Decreases frequent shutdowns, periodical cleaning of the surface.
• Appearance Amber colour liquid
• Solubility in water : Dispersible.
• pH of 5% soln. 1 0 – 12
• Amine value 210 – 240
• Pour point : 0°C to -10°C.