Drag reduction agents (DRA) are pipeline flow improvers used primarily in the oil and gas industry.
Material is packed in 55/5 gal per drum with proper hazard identification details labelled.
Safety and Handling
Material must be handled as an Industrial chemical, wearing protective equipment and following the precautions as mentioned in the MSDS.
Designed to reduce friction in asphaltene crude oils being moved through pipelines under turbulent flow conditions. This oil-in-water stabilized emulsion product minimizes potential impact on refinery operations.
• Effective DRA
Increase throughput
Reduces pipeline friction
Decreases pumping energy requirements
• Low impact to refining operations
Safe in desalters
No impact to fuels
• Easy to apply
Product is stable in standard conditions for long periods of time
Pumpable above 32°F
• Specific gravity at 60°F (16°C) 1.0
• Typical density at 60°F (16°C): 8.3 lb/US gal (0.995 kg/m3)
• Pour point 32°F (0°C)
• pH 7.3
• Viscosity at 60°F (16°C): 298.5 cP at 20 RPM